So, doing my usual Saturday morning run 2 weekends ago, I took a route I hadn’t done in a long time. I reached a 1km stretch that, thanks to the rains, had grown long grass & a thicket on either side of a narrow path. Running through it, I started to think it was potentially dangerous. There wasn’t anyone I met, and even in the past I hardly met people on that stretch but it was just the quiet and outgrowth that made me nervous. I started to look around to see who may lay claim to it that could cut it down? But it looked like a no-man’s land, and no wonder the place had overgrown. I thought I could get people to cut it down, but where would I get the people? Get the county Govt.? It had to be within their jurisdiction, I thought. So I added that on my to-do-list. Then it occurred to me that I could pray about it and ask God to move resources, human and otherwise, to get the job done. As I continued to run, I started to pray about it. Last Saturday, I used the same route and remembered my predicament when I got to that stretch and prayed some more.
This morning I approached the stretch from the opposite end. It was getting wild, and I thought maybe I was the person who needed to get the job done, so I started praying for wisdom on how to go about it. Reaching towards the middle of the stretch, I noticed someone had been at work!!! The grass & thicket had come down to the ground, someone was clearly at work . There was no one in sight as I run, but clearly someone was bringing down the bush; and had done half the work! I looked around praising God, and praying that whoever it was would complete the job! Praise God! That sure added a spring to my run that I attempted the “hard-hill” and actually conquered it. This morning was good, and I thank God