So I am practicing for Lewa half marathon 2016 [21km] due next month. It’s a time when I stretch myself beyond my comfort zone, and I am always amazed at what I can do.  This morning I ran 19.75 km in 2:58:19 hours. Significantly slower than my regular pace, but I did it! I struggled a lot this morning and I had to use my mantra to keep me going. “I got this…” through the hills, valleys and stretches. Interesting thing is, today more than usual I got shout outs from random strangers along the way LOL! “Keep it up!”; “Good work”; “Stay strong!”; “Impressive!” … as I jogged along. And these from pedestrians and motorists alike. Needless to say, it was encouraging hearing these words and it sure helped me keep going. God was watching over me :).
Year to date: 60 runs, 450 km completed. 232 days left. I got this! Thank you, Lord!!!
How cool! May the cheers continue.
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