So, I am always tickled by people who press the lift button to go in one direction, and when the door opens they promptly go in and then get surprised when it goes in the opposite direction. Typically, when the door opens the arrow shows which direction it’s going, right? So do they not check that before going in? So today that was me LOL! I was going down, and pressed button accordingly. This gentleman approaches, whom I know is going up, and I press the up button for him. Door opens, I go in. After a few seconds, he comes in and I politely tell him that we’re going down [and am wondering, did he not see that?]. As lift is closing I tell him again, politely, that the lift is going down. He looks at me puzzled, and smiles. Then it starts moving, and we are going up! What??? How did I not see that? And I am thinking aloud at this point; and he answers that the arrow was pointing up which is why he got in…and yes, he noticed I had pressed the up button for him cos I was going down, so why did I get in? And we both start laughing at this point. Yes, today I was one of “those” LOL! ‪#‎EmbarrassingMoments‬.