So today on my way to work I realize that I forgot my handbag. I think to myself: it’s Thursday … I don’t think I will need to use any cash or card, so I can survive the day without my handbag. Let’s just say that by lunch time, I had borrowed money from one of my bosses – twice! Promising to return the funds tomorrow because I forgot my handbag at home. That excuse sounds lame to me, but thankfully, he does not question it but willingly lends me money. On my way home, I notice that my fuel tank is almost empty so I check into the gas station to top up lest I run out of fuel!!! The attendant comes to me, I ask him if he’ll accept payment by credit card? And then I ask him to fill the tank and I pop open the lid. Thankfully, just before he starts filling up I remember that I have no money, & no cards! I hoot frantically to get his attention! Done!, and as he comes to the passenger window I explain to him that I don’t have any way of paying him, so he shouldn’t fill up. He suggests that I pay by mpesa and I check my balance only to see that I can only spend 500/-. So I ask him to put only 500/- worth of fuel.
What are the chances, on the ONE day I forget my handbag I actually need to spend money! Nktest!